
Trending Model

The Trending Model is designed to highlight the most popular products in your store based on recent customer activity. It identifies and displays products that are currently driving the most interest and engagement.

With flexible settings, the model allows merchants to customize the timeframe for trends, from as recent as the last hour to as long as the past month. Additionally, it offers the ability to group trending items by collections, enabling you to display popular products within specific categories or collections that align with your store's organization.


Increased Relevance for Customers: Customers often browse specific collections with a clear intent, such as "Winter Wear" or "Electronics." Showing trending products within these collections aligns with their interests, ensuring recommendations are more relevant and engaging.

Localized Trends for Different Audiences: The time limit feature can cater to different customer groups, such as showing immediate trends for active visitors or highlighting monthly bestsellers for returning shoppers.

How it works?

The model monitors your store’s activity in real-time. Based on your selected time frame (e.g., last hour, last week), the model determines which products are trending during that period.

If configured, the Trending Model can focus exclusively on specific collections, enabling you to present a curated selection of trending products within categories like "Winter Wear" or "New Arrivals."

The list of trending products updates automatically as customer activity changes, ensuring it always reflects current trends.

Recommended Placements

Here are our recommended locations for displaying the Trending Product widget within your store. These locations are strategically chosen to maximize visibility and conversion.

Home Page : Your homepage is the first impression your store makes. Placing the Trending Products widget here immediately showcases popular items and sparks interest. Consider a dedicated section: Use clear headings like "Trending Now" or "Popular Picks" to draw attention.We recommend positioning it:

  • Below the main banner or hero section: After your main promotional content, but still high enough on the page.
  • Above product collections: To entice shoppers to explore, rather than searching directly.

Collection Pages : Displaying  the Trending Products widget within collection pages helps customers discover items popular within that product collection. This helps shoppers find what other people are loving in the same category that they're browsing. Use a clear heading: Such as "Trending in [Collection Name]". We recommend positioning it:

  • Below the product listing: Offer trending items once a user has already been looking at items in this category
  • At the top of the page before the products: Show trending item before someone starts to scroll

Product Detail Pages : Even on a single product page, Trending Products widget can be valuable. Use a subtle heading: Consider "Customers Also Love" or "Other Trending Items". Here's where to place it:

  • Below the main product description: After customers have reviewed the selected item, show them something trending. Ensure that it is below Recommended Products widget if installed.
  • Above the footer: Make sure they have seen the other trending items before leaving the page. Ensure that it is above the Recently Viewed Products widget if installed.

Cart Page (Optional) :  While less common, you can consider adding the Trending Products widget to the cart page. Use heading that is not as persuasive: Try headings such as "Trending Items". Place it below the cart summary, this allows users to still finalize their cart without interference.


The Trending Model relies on analyzing customer interactions, such as product views, add to cart events to determine which products are popular. In stores with very low traffic, the model may struggle to gather enough data to identify meaningful trends.

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