eCommerce SEO: 16 Best Practices for Online Stores

Learn how to boost your online store's visibility and attract more customers with these 16 essential eCommerce SEO best practices.

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Nandini Gangwar


August 1, 2023

eCommerce SEO: Best Practices for Online Stores

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Having a strong eCommerce SEO strategy is now more important than ever for eCommerce websites. It's all about making sure your website ranks high in search engine results, beating your competitors, and getting more organic traffic from Google.

Think of eCommerce SEO as the secret sauce that sets your online business apart from the rest. It's like having a superpower that helps you climb to the top of search engine results, leaving your competitors in the dust, and drawing in a steady stream of new customers without breaking the bank.

When people search for products similar to what you offer, you want your website to be the first one they see and click on.

No more relying solely on paid ads or hoping for luck. With eCommerce SEO, you take control and guide interested customers right to your virtual doorstep. 

In this article, I have put together 16 SEO best practices to help you drive more traffic and sales to your online store. Let's dive in!

1. Use descriptive, keyword-rich product titles

When creating product titles, make sure they accurately describe what you're selling and include relevant keywords that people might use to search for your products. Keep the titles concise and appealing to catch the attention of potential customers.

Research keywords that are popular and relevant to your products. Put the most important keyword at the beginning of the title. Avoid using too many keywords unnaturally. Include specific details like color, size, and model, if applicable. You can also look at how your competitors are writing their product titles for inspiration.

2. Use high-quality images and videos

High-quality images and videos can help to enhance the user experience and make your products more appealing. Visual content is essential for ecommerce websites. It helps customers visualize your products and make informed buying decisions. By optimizing your images and videos, you can improve your search rankings and provide a better user experience.

Use high-resolution images that clearly showcase your products. Compress images to ensure they load quickly without losing quality. Optimize image filenames and alt text by including relevant keywords. Provide videos that demonstrate how to use your products or showcase their features. Use descriptive captions and annotations to enhance the SEO value of your videos.

3. Optimize product descriptions for both search engines and customers

Your product descriptions should provide useful information for both search engines and customers. Focus on creating descriptions that are easy to read and understand while including relevant keywords to improve your search rankings. They should also be unique to each product, as duplicate content can negatively impact SEO.

Find long-tail keywords that are specific to your products. Write unique and engaging descriptions that highlight the features and benefits. Naturally incorporate keywords throughout the description. Use headings, subheadings, and bullet points to break up the text. Consider using structured data markup to help search engines understand your content better.

4. Use alt tags on images 

Alt tags, or alternative text, are descriptions added to images on your website. They serve two main purposes: enhancing accessibility for visually impaired users and providing valuable information for search engine optimization.

Write descriptive alt text that accurately represents the image content. Include relevant keywords naturally within the alt text, but avoid keyword stuffing. Use alt text to provide context and describe the image for visually impaired users who rely on screen readers. Ensure alt text is concise and easy to understand, avoiding excessive length. Include alt text for decorative or non-informative images, using keywords sparingly.

5. Optimize URLs to include keywords

When creating URLs, it's important to include relevant keywords that accurately represent the content of the page. This helps search engines understand what the page is about and improves its chances of ranking higher in search results.

Keep URLs short, simple, and descriptive. Include primary keywords related to the page content. Use hyphens to separate words in the URL. Avoid using numbers or random characters. Update URLs when making changes to page titles or content.

6. Use header tags (H1, H2, etc.) effectively

Header tags provide structure and organization to your webpage content. They help both users and search engines understand the hierarchy and importance of different sections on your page.

Include relevant keywords naturally within your header tags. Ensure a logical order in the hierarchy of your header tags. Make your content visually appealing and scannable using appropriate header tags.

7. Include internal links

Internal and external links are essential for a well-optimized eCommerce website. Internal links connect different pages within your site, improving navigation and user experience. External links to reputable sources provide additional value and credibility to your content.

Include internal links to related pages or products within your website. Use descriptive anchor text (linked text) that includes relevant keywords. Link to authoritative external websites that provide valuable information. Regularly check and update links to ensure they are working properly.

8. Use social media to promote products

Use social media to promote your products, increase your brand visibility, and drive traffic to your website. Utilizing social media effectively can help you reach a wider audience and generate more sales.

Identify the social media platforms that align with your target audience. Create engaging and visually appealing posts about your products. Include links to relevant product pages on your website. Encourage social sharing and user-generated content related to your products. Engage with your audience, respond to comments, and address customer queries or concerns.

9. Optimize page load speed

Page load speed is a critical factor that affects both user experience and search engine rankings. A slow-loading website can lead to high bounce rates and decreased conversion rates. Optimizing your page load speed ensures a smooth and efficient browsing experience for your visitors.

Compress and optimize images to reduce file sizes without compromising quality. Remove the unnecessary apps. Enable browser caching to store certain elements of your website, reducing load times for returning visitors. Use a content delivery network (CDN) to distribute your website's files across multiple servers for faster loading.

10. Include customer reviews and ratings

Customer reviews and ratings are not only valuable for building trust with potential buyers but also for SEO. They provide fresh and unique content for your product pages, which search engines love.

Encourage customers to leave reviews by sending follow-up emails and offering incentives. Display reviews prominently on your product pages. Let customers rate your products. Respond to both positive and negative reviews to show your commitment to customer satisfaction. Encourage customers to naturally include relevant keywords in their reviews.

11. Use a responsive design 

Ensure that your eCommerce website looks and works well on all devices, including mobile phones, tablets, and desktop computers. A responsive design automatically adjusts the layout and content of your site to fit different screen sizes, providing a smooth and user-friendly experience for all visitors. 

Use website templates or frameworks that are designed to be responsive. Prioritize the mobile version of your site since more people are browsing on their phones. Make sure text, buttons, and images are easy to read and interact with on smaller screens. Test your site on different devices to ensure it looks good and functions properly. Monitor and analyze user behavior on different devices to identify areas for improvement and make necessary adjustments.

12. Optimize your website's navigation 

Make it easy for visitors to find what they're looking for on your website. A clear and intuitive navigation system helps users navigate through your product categories and find the information or products they need.

Use simple and descriptive labels for your main menu items. Organize your products into logical categories and subcategories. Include a search bar so users can quickly search for specific products. Use breadcrumb navigation to show users where they are on your website. Make sure your navigation is easy to use on mobile devices too.

13. Use structured data markup 

Structured data markup is a way to provide extra information about your products to search engines. Schema markup provides additional information about your products, such as price, availability, reviews, and more, enhancing search engine visibility and potentially earning rich snippets in search results.

Use, a vocabulary for structured data, to mark up important product details. Add structured data for product information like ratings, reviews, pricing, and availability. Test and check your structured data using tools provided by search engines. Keep up with search engine guidelines and updates to make sure your markup is compliant. Update your structured data when you make changes to your products or website.

14. Leverage user-generated content 

Encourage your customers to share their experiences, feedback, and reviews about your products through social media or on-site testimonials. User-generated content adds credibility and authenticity to your brand, and it can also have a positive impact on SEO by providing fresh and unique content.

Make it easy for customers to leave reviews. Encourage customers to share their experiences on social media platforms by creating engaging campaigns, offering incentives, or running contests. Monitor social media mentions and engagement related to your products, and actively respond and engage with your customers.

15. Implement a robust backlink strategy 

Backlinks from reputable websites and influencers in your industry can significantly boost your eCommerce site's visibility and authority. Developing a strong backlink strategy involves reaching out to relevant websites and influencers to secure high-quality backlinks that drive organic traffic and improve search engine rankings.

Identify authoritative websites and influencers in your industry that align with your brand and target audience. Reach out to them with personalized and value-driven pitches, highlighting how your content or products can be beneficial to their audience. Offer guest posting opportunities, collaborate on content creation, or provide products for reviews or endorsements. Focus on quality rather than quantity when acquiring backlinks, as a few high-quality backlinks carry more weight than numerous low-quality ones.

16. Conduct regular site audits

Regular site audits are essential to identify and fix any technical SEO issues that may impact your eCommerce site's performance. This includes addressing broken links, duplicate content, crawl errors, and other issues that can hinder search engine visibility and user experience.

Use Google Search Console. Check for broken links and fix them promptly, ensuring a smooth user experience and avoiding negative SEO impact. Identify and resolve duplicate content issues by implementing canonical tags, using 301 redirects, or rewriting content. Analyze crawl errors and fix any issues preventing search engines from properly indexing your pages. Optimize your website's speed and performance by compressing images, minimizing CSS and JavaScript files, and utilizing browser caching.

eCommerce SEO makes your website more visible, attract new customers, and build a loyal following. While it might seem overwhelming, focusing on the essential SEO practices and optimizing important parts of your website can simplify the process.

It's important to remember that eCommerce SEO is not a one-time thing. It requires continuous effort and updates to achieve the best results over time. So, you need to be prepared for an ongoing journey and embrace the idea of consistently improving your SEO strategy.

With time, you'll gradually see positive changes in your search engine rankings, organic traffic, and overall online presence. Remember, patience and persistence are key when it comes to successful eCommerce SEO.
